The Catharsys Group has been actively engaged in providing assistance to people and government organizations.
These dramatic and deadly disasters have awakened our country to the perils of natural disasters. Our hearts and prayers go out to the scores of people whose lives have been uprooted by recent events. While devastating now, with critical and honest assessment by all involved, we can learn from efforts undertaken, so that future generations will be spared the horrific costs that our people on the Gulf Coast, large population on the US East Coast and the residents of Caribbean nations have endured. Let us all work toward the goal of understanding and working to solve the problems together: that we may never again see our fellow human beings suffering as we have too often seen them in the recent past. The Catharsys Group has been actively engaged in providing assistance to people and government organizations in the aftermath of Hurricanes Ernesto,Katrina, Hanna and Ike, Super Storm Sandy, Hurricanes Irma and Maria and Severe Winter storms that have devastated the California Coastline, Gulf Coast, East Coast, the Turks and Caicos Islands, Haiti,Puerto Rico and much of the Caribbean. These disasters have shown the need for extensive capacity building programs and adaptation initiatives to address changing global weather patterns. The Catharsys Group is committed to doing its part, in any way we can, to help rebuild the lives of those who have lost so much. We ask that you join us in helping to build a just, fair and peaceful world around us. Together we can and will truly form a foundation that will not be shattered. Together we can offer hope to others and help them to recover from these terrible tragedies.